Eugeniusz Kozaczka

Professor Eugeniusz Kozaczka

Welcome to Official Website of Professor Eugeniusz Kozaczka - an outstanding specialist in the field of underwater acoustics and hydromechanics.

Curriculum vitae Publications Promoted doctors

Curriculum vitae

Professor Eugeniusz Kozaczka is an outstanding specialist in the field of underwater acoustics and hydromechanics, boasting a significant scientific achievements, as well as a number of implementations used in practice that are the results of his research. He created his own school of science, focusing around his research the group of recognized specialists in the field of hydroacoustics, both Polish as well as international acousticians. Professor Kozaczka has given a significant contribution to the development of the Polish research in the field of acoustics, both in terms of the research, as well as scientific development of young researchers. Based on Professor’s achievements, Department of Hydroacoustics was created in the Polish Naval Academy in 1985, which for many years he has developed and through its active contribution to the development of academic staff (promoted 15 doctors), scientific and organizational achievements was converted into the first Polish Institute of Hydroacoustics in 2008.

Professor Kozaczka graduated from the Military University of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Physics in 1971. The PhD degree in the specialty of hydromechanics obtained at the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1976, a post-doctoral degree in technical sciences gave him the Faculty of Military University of Technology in 1980. In 1990 he received the title of professor. Since 1994 he has been a professor at the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia, and since 2003 is also a professor at the Gdansk University of Technology. In the years 1997-2003 he was the professor at the Technical University of Koszalin.

Research interests of Professor Kozaczka are focused on problems related to the generation and propagation of elastic waves in the water, but there are three main areas of problems in which he specializes: underwater noise generated by a moving ship, nonlinear hydroacoustics and propagation of elastic waves in the sea. In each of these areas he has achieved remarkable results. The problem of underwater noise generated by ships and boats, which is essential for the navy and merchant fleet as well as for the protection of the environment, is developed by Professor Kozaczka since the seventies, when he was involved in several projects related to the construction of the minesweeper ship with small values of physical fields generated by it. At the same time he was developing a sound field measurement technique, which resulted in, among the others construction of Poland's first piezoelectric hydrophone. Obtained results and the solutions are developed and documented by six patents and they have been used in the construction of a series of ships still operating in the Polish Navy.

Also they resulted in a number of publications, doctoral dissertation and habilitation monograph. Main research topics undertaken in this area concern the transmission of mechanical energy through the hull into the water, transfer of vibrations to the marine environment by rotating blade systems, hydroacoustic noise generated by the propeller and propagation of underwater noise generated by a moving ship in a shallow sea. The most important practical achievement of Professor is organizing the range for the measurement of hydrodynamic and hydroacoustic fields of the Navy Measuring Range from the beginning, including the project of construction and implementation of control and measuring hydroacoustic stations (1988 -1995). Measuring range that has been done in this project is been used for the systematic monitoring and evaluation of hydroacoustic field in Polish Navy ships. However, in the project that was suppose to minimize the physical fields of the ship was designed and constructed cavitation diagnoser, deployed on Polish Navy ships.

The second area of Professor’s interest is nonlinear hydroacoustics, relatively young scientific field that gives an opportunity to learn about a new quality of the marine environment. His team is the only one in Poland that is developing a theory of high intensity waves propagating in a specific non-linear medium, which is sea water, while conducting research - development in the creation of unique measurement tools and research to explore the marine environment.

Professor Kozaczka has led numerous research projects on nonlinear wave sources, and their propagation in a nonlinear medium, and recently his works are devoted to the study of the structure of the seabed by means of nonlinear methods. This type of work is carried out by very few research centers in the world. The results obtained are unique in the country and abroad. Professor is invited to organize the structural sessions devoted to the study of the seabed by the means of nonlinear methods during major international congresses on acoustics, including International Congress on Acoustics (2007 and 2010), International Congress on Sound and Vibration (2009, 2010), Conference on Underwater Acoustic Measurements (2007, 2009.2012).

Another area of scientific interests of Professor Kozaczka are the conditions of propagation of elastic waves in natural waters, especially in the sea. In his research he deals with the specifics of the southern Baltic Sea as a transmission channel of underwater noise, he is developing the theory of mode wave propagation in a shallow sea. A lot of attention he has been paid to variability of hydroacoustic phenomenon of propagation of elastic waves in the southern Baltic Sea, resulting in a unique development of the acoustic climate in the southern Baltic Sea.

Professor Kozaczka is both domestically and internationally recognized as the outstanding acoustician whose contribution in the development of world’s hydroacoustics is more than significant.

His additional activities include:
  • Member of the Polish Acoustical Society, since 1973.
  • President of the Polish Acoustical Society (2002-2012).
  • Member of the Committee on Acoustics, Polish Academy of Sciences, since 1981.
  • Vice President of the Committee on Acoustics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2007-2011.
  • President of the Committee on Acoustics, Polish Academy of Sciences, since 2011.
  • Member of the European Acoustics Association, since 1996.
  • Vice President of the European Acoustics Association, 2003-2007.
  • Member of the Board of the International Commission for Acoustics, since 2007.

The supervisor of 15 doctoral theses in:
  • the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia,
  • the Military Technical University in Warsaw.

A reviewer of 16 doctoral theses in:
  • the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia,
  • the Military Technical University in Warsaw,
  • the Staszic University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow,
  • the Gdansk University of Technology,
  • the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdansk,
  • the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot.

A reviewer of 13 D.Sc. theses in:
  • the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw,
  • the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw,
  • the Military Technical University in Warsaw,
  • the Technical University of Gdansk.

Regular reviewer of the research projects at the State Committee for Scientific Research in Warsaw.

Regular reviewer of the journals:
  • Archives of Acoustics,
  • Oceanologia,
  • Naval Academy Press,
  • Acustica - Acta Acoustica,
  • Polish Maritime Research

Has published about 5 monographs, 217 papers in national and international journals, books and conference proceedings. Co-author of 7 patents.


1) E. Kozaczka, The studies of hydroacoustic disturbances in limited environment, Institute Of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdańsk, 1975.
2) E. Kozaczka, J. Morawiec, piezoelectric transducers and some of their applications, Published by the Pedagogical University, Rzeszów, 1977.
3) Kozaczka, The studies of underwater acoustic disturbances generated by the propeller, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 59A, 1978.
4) E. Kozaczka, Introduction to the theory of nonlinear hydroacoustics, Published by Naval Academy, Gdynia 1988.
5) Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Nonlinear properties of water, Published by Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia 1996.


1) E. Kozaczka, A. Muszyński, The pulse source of acoustic waves of finite amplitude, Bulletin of Naval Academy WSMW XV OBMW, 178-194, 1973.
2) E. Kozaczka, A. Muszyński, The measurements of the single time disturbances made by piezoelectric hydrophone, of Naval Academy XV OBMW, 159-209, 1973.
3) E. Kozaczka, A. Muszyński, T. Nowak, The measurement of submarines’ noise based on the recommendations of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Proceedings of the XXth Seminar on Acoustics, 27-29, Poznań-Mierzyn, 1973.
4) E. Kozaczka, A. Muszyński, Some methods of producing shock waves, Proceedings of the XXth Seminar on Acoustics, 330-33, Poznań-Mierzyn, 1973.
5) E. Kozaczka, A. Muszyński, The spectral analysis of shock waves, Scientific Journal WSMW, 3, 105-116, 1974.
6) E. Kozaczka, F. Markiewicz, T. Nowak, The distribution of sound pressure in the water layer reduced by roughened surface, Proceedings of the XXIst Seminar on Acoustics, 254-255, Rzeszów, 1974.
7) E. Kozaczka, The model studies of sound propagation in a shallow sea, Proceedings of the XXIst Seminar on Acoustics, 252-253, Rzeszów, 1974.
8) A. Muszyński, E. Kozaczka, The magnetic sparker, Archives of Acoustics, 4, 389-402, 1974.
9) E. Kozaczka, T. Nowak, The correlation methods in marine acoustics, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 2, 65-74, 1975.
10) E. Kozaczka, T. Nowak, The pulse calibration method for hydrophone, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 2, 75-91, 1975.
11) E. Kozaczka, F. Markiewicz, T. Smith, L. Szluiński, Propagation of wave modes in a shallow sea, Proceedings of the XXIInd Seminar on Acoustics, 487-491, Wroclaw - Swieradów 1975.
12) A. Muszynski, E. Kozaczka, Characteristics of measurement systems, Scientific Journal WSMW, 4, 47-58, 1976.
13) E. Kozaczka, A. Muszynski, The study of the acoustic field of the ship by the –correlation- spectral method, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 4, 31-45, 1976..
14) E. Kozaczka, F. Markiewicz, Propagation of acoustic disturbances in the shallow sea at different sound speed profiles Proceedings of the XXIIIrd Seminar on Acoustics, 126-127, Wisła, 1976.
15) A. Muszynski, E. Kozaczka, Magneto as a source of strong acoustic disturbances in the water, Proceedings of the XXIIIrd Seminar on Acoustics, 145-146, Wisla, 1976.
16) E. Kozaczka, The noise generated by the propeller, Proceedings of the XXIIIrd Seminar on Acoustics, 128-129, Wisla, 1976.
17) E. Kozaczka, A. Muszynski, The study of the propellers in the hydrodynamic channel, Proceedings of the IXth Scientific Session of Technical Faculty of Naval Academy, 4-15, 1976.
18) E. Kozaczka, The acoustic effects related to work of the propeller in a transient state, Proceedings of the IInd National Conference on mechanics of gases and liquids, 49, Jastrzębia Góra, 1976.
19) E. Kozaczka, The calibration of piezoelectric transducers by the comparative method in the air, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 2/53, 41-50, 1977.
20) E. Kozaczka, The model studies of sound propagation in a shallow sea, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 3/ 54, 69-78, 1977.
21) E. Kozaczka, F. Markiewicz, T. Nowak, The studies of the underwater vibration and noise of the ship’s engine using the methods of correlation analysis, Shipbuilding, 8, 326-328, 1977.
22) E. Kozaczka, J. Morawiec, The studies of piezoelectric hydrophones, Proceedings of the XXIVth Seminar on Acoustics, 486-489, Władysławowo, 1977.
23) A. Muszynski, E. Kozaczka, The studies of underwater acoustic disturbances generated by the propeller in the hydrodynamic channel, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 2/57, 31-41, 1978.
24) E. Kozaczka, A study of the underwater acoustic disturbances produced by a ship propeller, Archives of Acoustics, 13, 2, 121-139, 1978, Archives of Acoustics, 13, 2, 133-152, 1978.
25 ) E. Kozaczka, The Acoustic studies of the propellers in the hydrodynamic channel, Shipbuilding, 1, 13-15, 1978.
26) E. Kozaczka, J. Morawiec, The study of cylindrical piezoelectric receiving transducer, Scientific Journal WSP, 5/39, 7-29, Rzeszów, 1978..
27) E. Kozaczka, The radiation of the sound by the propeller working under varying load stationary character, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 3/58, 27-45, 1978.
28) E. Kozaczka, The underwater acoustic disturbances produced by cavitating propeller, National Conference on mechanics of gases and liquids - abstracts, 71, Częstochowa, 1978.
29) E. Kozaczka, J. Morawiec, Studies on the sensitivity of cylindrical piezoelectric transducers, Proceedings of the XXVth Seminar on Acoustics, 297-310, Poznań-Błażejewko, 1978.
30) E. Kozaczka, The studies of the acoustic sound produced by the cavitating propeller, Proceedings of the XXVth Seminar on Acoustics, 203-206, Poznań-Błażejewko, 1978
31) E. Kozaczka, Sound radiation produced by a ship propeller, Archives of Acoustics, 14, 3, 221-243, 1979, 14, 3, 229-252, 1979.
32) E. Kozaczka, The acoustic disturbances produced by the propeller, Proceedings of the Vth Symposium on Ship hydrodynamics, 108-120, Gdansk, 1979.
33) E. Kozaczka, Investigation of the noise transmission into ship’s hull produced by a ship propeller, The International Conference of Noise Control Engineering, 645-648, Warszawa, 1979.
34) E. Kozaczka, Z Dolny, Application of the power cepstrum to determine the differences in arrival time between pulses in a duct, The International Conference of Noise Control Engineering, 255-258, Warszawa, 1979.
35) E. Kozaczka, Sound Generation by rotating vane systems, Proceedings of the XXVIth Seminar on Acoustics, 411-414, Wrocław-Oleśnica, 1979.
36) E. Kozaczka, Z. Dolny, Computer simulation of the propagation of acoustic pulses in the limited environment, Proceedings of the XXVIth Seminar on Acoustics, 415-418, Wrocław-Oleśnica, 1979.
37) E. Kozaczka, J. Morawiec, The study of directivity characteristics of a cylindrical piezoelectric transducer, Proceedings of the XXVIth Open Seminar on Acoustics, 419-422, Wrocław-Olesnica, 1979.
38) E. Kozaczka, J. Morawiec, The measurement of the voltage sensitivity of the receiving transducers. Measurement, Acoustics, Control, 2, 44-46, 1979.
39) E. Kozaczka, J. Morawiec, The studies of the sensitivity of the voltage and its temperature and time stability f the cylindrical piezoelectric transducer, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 4/63, 53-67, 1979.
40 ) J. Morawiec, E. Kozaczka, The studies of the directional characteristics of piezoelectric hydrophones, PAK, 12, 424-425, 1980.
41) E. Kozaczka, The discrete Fourier’s transform analysis of the acoustic signals, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 1/66, 61-75, 1980.
42) E. Kozaczka, J. Morawiec, The numerical spectral analysis of acoustic signals, Research and Teaching Volume of WSP, Rzeszów, 6/45, Physics, 63-80, 1980.
43) E. Kozaczka, Sound generation by a rotating body, 3- rd Seminar Noise Control, Szekesfehervar, Hungary, 21-25, 1980.
44) E. Kozaczka, J. Morawiec, The measurement of the sensitivity of the cylindrical piezoelectric transducers, papers of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Scientific Society in Rzeszow, 160-171, 1981.
45) J. Morawiec, E. Kozaczka, The usage of the pulse method for determining the sensitivity characteristics of hydrophones, Proceedings of the XXVIIIth Open Seminar on Acoustics, 120-123, Gliwice, 1981.
46) E. Kozaczka, The method for determining the time delay between the waves propagating along different paths, Proceedings of the Workshop on Sound Identification of the Sources and Sound Paths, 257-263, Jabłonna, 1981.
47) E. Kozaczka, Influence of a ship propeller loading on the shape the underwater sound’s power spectrum, Proceedings of the International Conference Vai Congress Building, 6-8, Amsterdam, 1981.
48) A. Kołodziejski, E. Kozaczka, Determination of the coefficient of restitution during the pulse interaction of the ball on the selected material systems, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, XXIII, 1/72, 1982.
49) A. Kołodziejski, E. Kozaczka, The studies of the vibration and sound pressure of the mechanical vibrator, Proceedings of Noise Control 82, Krakow, 1982.
50) E. Kozaczka, The harmonic processing of acoustic signals propagating in a limited environment, Proceedings of Noise Control, 82, Krakow, 1982.
51) E. Kozaczka, Z. Dolny, J. Morawiec, Numerical studies of cepstrum function of the strength of signals of the selected shapes, papers of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Scientific Society in Rzeszow, Rzeszow, 1982.
52) J. Morawiec, E. Kozaczka, The calculation and measurement of directional characteristics of cylindrical transducers, papers of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Scientific Society in Rzeszow, 51-64, Rzeszów, 1982.
53) E. Kozaczka, Reverberation extraction from the sound signal, 4-th Seminar and Exhibition on Noise Control, Szombathely, 1983.
54) E. Kozaczka, A. Cwalina, Detection and observation of ship propeller’s cavitation, Proceedings of 2-nd Summer School on Acousto-Optic, Wieżyca, 1983.
55) E. Kozaczka, A. Cwalina, Use of changes in acoustic pressure to determine the propeller’s conditions, Proceedings of Exploitation of machinery and devices, I,II, 136-152, Jastrzębia Góra, 1983.
56) A. Cwalina, E. Kozaczka, The influence of the permanent deformation of the blades of the propeller to the changes produced by its acoustic pressure, Proceedings of The XXX th Seminar on Acoustics, Gdansk, 1983.
57) E. Kozaczka, Acoustic methods for determining the coordinates of the source of acoustic waves in a shallow sea conditions, Proceedings of Science and Technology Conference Navigational - Hydrographic and Meteorological - Hydrological Protection of Actions at Sea WSMW 1983.
58) B. Mackiewicz, E. Kozaczka, The study of the correlation between malocclusion and abnormal speech sounds, Proceedings of The XXXth Seminar on Acoustics, Gdansk, 1983.
59) E. Kozaczka, A. Cwalina, Diagnostics of the ship propeller operating conditions by means of an acoustic method, Shipbuilding, No. 2, R -29, 50-53, 1984.
60) W. Darski, E. Kozaczka, The Experimental determination of the coefficients of hydrodynamic forces in flow around a rope, The Vth National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Gases, Porabka - Kozubnik 1984.
61) E. Kozaczka, The propagation of the sound in the marine environment and its basic problems, Proceedings of The Symposium on hydroacoustics, 14-25, Jastrzębia Góra, 1984.
62) E. Kozaczka, A. Kołodziejski, J. Morawiec, Technology of the measuring hydrophone, Proceedings of The Ist Symposium on hydroacoustics, Gdynia - Jastrzębia Góra, 172-179, 1984.
63) E. Kozaczka, Nonlinear impact of the acoustic waves in the water, Proceedings of The IInd Symposium on hydroacoustics, 77-80, Gdynia, 1985.
64) E. Kozaczka, The radiation of the acoustic waves by a single cavitation bubble, Proceedings of The IInd Symposium on hydroacoustics, 81-84, Gdynia, 1985.
65) E. Kozaczka, A. Cwalina, The cavitation noise of the ship’s propeller, Proceedings of Noise Control, 351-354, Krakow, 1985.
66) E. Kozaczka, A. Kołodziejsk, The spectrum of the acoustic pressure radiated by a source in the shape of a cylinder of finite length, Proceedings of The XXXIst Open Seminar on Acoustics, 383-386, Krakow, 1985.
67) A. Kołodziejski, E. Kozaczka, The numerical and experimental study of the vibration of the conical-cylindrical cover, Proceedings of The VIIth Conference " Computer Methods in mechanics of structures", 412-420, Gdynia, 1985.
68) E. Kozaczka, The nonlinear interaction of acoustic waves in the water, Proceedings of The XVth School of Molecular and Quantum Acoustics, Jaszowiec 1986.
69) E. Kozaczka, Acoustical activity of cavitation bubbles produced by the ship propeller, The Journal of Applied Mechanics, 4, 431-438, 1986.
70) E. Kozaczka, The parametric generation of acoustic waves, Proceedings of IIIrd Symposium on Hydroacoustics, 159-164, Gdynia - Jastrzębia Góra, 1986.
71) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, The parametric acoustic characteristics of hydroacoustic transducers, Proceedings of The XXXIIIrd Open Seminar on Acoustics, Rzeszow, 1986.
72) A. Kołodziejski, E. Kozaczka, The vibration of the conical-cylindrical cover immersed in water, Mechanics and Computer, Volume 8, 1986.
73) A. Kołodziejski, E. Kozaczka, The broadband source of the hydroacoustic disturbances, Archives of Acoustics, 21, 2, 197-210, 1986.
74) E. Kozaczka, The attenuation of waves of high amplitude, Proceedings of The IVth Symposium on hydroacoustics, 147-154, Jastrzębia Góra, 1987.
75) E. Kozaczka, A. Kołodziejski, Investigation of both eigenvalues and free vibrations of the cylindrical shall in water, Proceedings of FASE Symposium, Madrid, 1987.
76) E. Kozaczka, Sound spectrum evolution of the underwater waves radiated by the cavitating ship propeller cause by air bubble, Proceedings of FASE Congress, Lisbon, 1987.
77) E. Kozaczka, Noise produced by the cavitating ship propeller, Proceedings IV Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, Nowosybirsk, 1987.
78) E. Kozaczka, J. Fortuna, The determination of the trajectory of a moving acoustic source under water in a shallow sea, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 4, 1987.
79) W. Darski, E. Kozaczka, A. Kołodziejski, The experimental study of the hydrodynamic force coefficients of a flown around the rope in a steady state, Scientific Journal of Naval Academy, 4, 1987.
80) E. Kozaczka, W. Darski, A. Kołodziejski Investigation of hydrodynamic force acting on a stranded steel cable, Archives of Mechanical Engineering, 3, 263-276, 1987.
81) E. Kozaczka, A. Kołodziejski, G. Grelowska, The impact of non-linear coefficient of the water environment on attenuation, Proceedings of the XXXIVth Open Seminar on Acoustics, Karpacz, 1987.
82) E. Kozaczka, The characteristics of the parametric acoustic wave sources, Proceedings of the Vth Symposium on hydroacoustics, 113-118, Jastrzębia Góra, 1988.
83) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, The parametric strengthening of hydroacoustic sources, Proceedings of the XVIIth School of Molecular and Quantum Acoustics, Ustron, 1988.
84) E. Kozaczka, The propagation of nonlinear acoustic waves in water, Proceedings of the XVIIIth Winter School of Molecular and Quantum Acoustics, Wisla, 1989.
85) E. Kozaczka, J. Fortuna, The acoustic research of the bottom layer of the atmosphere - the initial measurements, Proceedings of the VIth Symposium on hydroacoustics, 121-128 Stawiska, 1989.
86) E. Kozaczka, A. Cwalina, The lowering of the level of acoustic disturbances produced by cavitating propeller, Proceedings of the VIth Symposium on hydroacoustics, 185-192, Stawiska, 1989.
87) E. Kozaczka, J. Dobrzeniecki, S. Kubica, The determination of the motion parameters of the source of acoustic waves the is moving under water, Proceedings of the VIth Symposium on hydroacoustics, 193-198 Stawiska, 1989.
88) E. Kozaczka, The systems and control and measurement systems used in shipbuilding industry and on the vessels, Proceeding of the IVth National School of Optoelectronics, Waplewo, 1990.
89) E. Kozaczka, S. Kubica, The passive location of the source of acoustic waves the is moving underwater, Proceedings of the Conference – Exploitation of the Military Technology, Kiekrz, 1990.
90) E. Kozaczka, The dynamics of bubbles driven by sound wave, Proceedings of the XXth Winter School of Molecular and Quantum Acoustics, Wisła, 1991.
91) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Investigation of nonlinearity wave propagation in water, Archives of Acoustics, Nr 1, 77-87, 1992.
92) E. Kozaczka, J. Fortuna, Review of acoustical methods of probing the atmospheric boundary layer, Archives of Acoustics, Nr 4, 453-510, 1992.
93) E. Kozaczka, L. Milanowski, Sound intensity measurements in water, Proceedings of the Xth Symposium on Hydroacoustics, 133-138, Jurata, Polish Naval Academy, 1993.
94) E. Kozaczka, Measuring of underwater noise produced by a ship by means of the intensity method in the shallow sea, Proceedings of the Conference Undersea Defence Technology, 518-520, Cannes, 1993.
95) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, The concept of the measurement by the nonlinear acoustic parameter B / A of seawater, The proceedings of the XLth Open Seminar on Acoustics, 74-76, Polańczyk 1993.
96) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Nonlinearity parameter B/A of the low-salinity seawater, Archives of Acoustics, Nr 2, 259-269, 1994.
97) E. Kozaczka, The underwater noise produced by ships at sea shallow, Proceedings of the XIst Symposium on hydroacoustics, 43-48, Jurata, Polish Naval Academy, 1994.
98) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, The hydrophone calibration by the reciprocity method, The Military Technology and Logistics Overview, No. 1, 1994.
99) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, The evaluation of the use of the device made within the framework of the grant 3 366 91 02 for the measurement of the nonlinear parameter B / A in the sea environment, Proceedings of the XIth Symposium on hydroacoustics, 215-218, Jurata, Polish Naval Academy, 1994.
100) E. Kozaczka, S. Czarnecki, Investigation of underwater noise radiated by a ship in shallow water, Proceedings of the Conference Undersea Defence Technology, 502-504, Londyn, 1994.
101) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Application of piezoelectric transducers for parametric sources, Proceedings of 8th Piezoelektric Conference PIEZO’94, Tele and Radio Research Institute, 176-187, 1995.
102) E. Kozaczka, The experimental determination of the distribution of the acoustic field of the vibrating cylindrical surface, Proceedings of the XXIVth Winter School of Molecular and Quantum Acoustics, Wisła, 1995.
103) E. Kozaczka, P. Bittner, Determination of acoustic field generated by an extended source in the shallow sea, Proceedings of the Structural Acoustics, Energy Methods in Vibroacoustics IV School, 15-24, Zakopane, 1995.
104) E. Kozaczka, S. Dobrociński, A. Baranowska, G. Grelowska, L. Solarz, Modelowanie matematyczne propagacji fali akustycznej w wodzie, Prace XII Sympozjum z Hydroakustyki, 51-66, Jurata, AMW, 1995.
104) E. Kozaczka, S. Dobrociński, A. Baranowska, G. Grelowska, L. Solarz ,The mathematical modeling of the propagation of acoustic waves in the water, Proceedings of the XIIth Symposium on hydroacoustics, 51-66, Jurata, Polish Naval Academy, 1995.
105) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, The experimental studies of nonlinear properties of sea water, Proceedings of the XIIth Symposium on hydroacoustics, 161-168, Jurata, Polish Naval Academy, 1995.
106) E. Kozaczka, W. Kicinski, L. Milanowski, The experimental studies of propagation losses in the shallow sea for low-frequency waves, Proceedings of the XIInd Symposium on hydroacoustics, 169-178, Jurata 1995.
107) E. Kozaczka, L. Milanowski, The experimental studies of hydrodynamic pressure generated by moving ship, Proceedings of the XIIth Symposium on hydroacoustics, 179-186, Jurata, Polish Naval Academy, 1995.
108) E. Kozaczka, S. Czarnecki, Directivity pattern of underwater noise radiated by a ship in shallow water, Proceedings of the Conference Undersea Defence Technology, 86-90, Cannes, 1995.
109) E. Kozaczka, Sound wave radiation by the cavitating ship propeller, Proceedings of the International Conference on Problems of Marine Propulsion „HYDRONAF 95”, 115-122. Gdańsk, 1995.
110) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, A. Grelowski, P. Bittner, Influence of Vistula waters on thermodynamic and acoustic parameters of the gulf of Gdańsk, Oceanology, 227-248, No 37/2/95.
111) E. Kozaczka, Radiation of acoustic waves by a cavitating ship propeller, Proceedings Forum Acusticum 1996, Antwerpia, Acta Acustica, vol. 82, Suppl. 1, s. 259.
112) E. Kozaczka, P. Bittner, Acoustic effects of cavitating ship propeller, Proceedings of the Structural Acoustics, Energy Methods in Vibroacoustics, V School, 67-76, Zakopane, 1996.
113) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Investigation of the nonlinearity parameter B/A in the South Baltic Sea, Proceedings of the Conference 14th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, 88-93, Nanjing, 1996.
114) E. Kozaczka, L. Milanowski, A. Komorowski, S. Czarnecki, The application of ship hydrodynamics field distribution for its localisation, Proceedings of the Conference Undersea Defence Technology, 394-397, Londyn, 1996.
115) E. Kozaczka, W. Kiciński, Classification of underwater noise by linear discriminant functions, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Vol. II, 1135-1139, Heraklion, Crete, 1996.
116) E. Kozaczka, Fifty years of Polish Hydroacoustics, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hydroacoustics and Ultrasonics, 3-11, Jurata, 1997.
117) S. Dobrociński, E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Numerical investigation of the finite amplitude wave pressure distribution radiated by a circular transducer, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hydroacoustics and Ultrasonics, 71-74, Jurata, 1997.
118) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, An experimental investigation of the finite amplitude wave in the nearfield, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hydroacoustics and Ultrasonics, 79-82, Jurata, 1997.
119) E. Kozaczka, I. Gloza, G. Grelowska, Determination of the ship detection area in the coastal region, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hydroacoustics and Ultrasonics, 169-172, Jurata, 1997.
120) E. Kozaczka, L. Milanowski, Hydrodynamic pressure of a ship, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hydroacoustics and Ultrasonics, 173-178, Jurata, 1997.
121) E. Kozaczka, A. Komorowski, L. Milanowski, Verification of a method used for determination of ship’s hydrodynamic field, Proceedings of the Conference Undersa Defence Technology, 419-422, Hamburg, 1997.
122) I. Gloza, E. Kozaczka, The determination of the transmission loss of the low-frequency waves in the shallow sea, Proceedings of the XLIVth Open Seminar on Acoustics, Volume I, 291-294, Jastrzębia Góra, 1997.
123) E. Kozaczka, A. Makar, The determination of the mutual delay time of acoustic signals propagating under water, Proceedings of the XLIVth Open Seminar on Acoustics, Volume II, 391-396, Jastrzębia Góra, 1997.
124) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Generation of harmonics in the nearfield of finite amplitude sources, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., V. 103, No. 5, Pt. 2., 2809, 1998.
125) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Some results of preliminary experimental investigations of the nonlinear wave distortion, Proceedings of the 21th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics, 37-40, Ustaoset 1-4.02.1998, University of Bergen, 1998.
126) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Experimental investigations of the pressure field of finite amplitude underwater sources, Acousto-Optics and Applications III, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, V. 3581, 360-364, 18-22.05.1998.
127) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Measurements of a nonlinear distortion in a focused sound field, Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 549-554, CNR-IDAC, Rome, Italy 1998.
128) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, I. Gloza, T. Leszczyński, A. Milewski, General characteristics of ship noise in shallow water, Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 567-572, CNR-IDAC, Rome, Italy 1998.
129) E. Kozaczka, P. Bittner, Determination of underwater noise generated by machines working on ship’s board, Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 537-542, CNR-IDAC, Rome, Italy, 1998.
130) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Investigations of nonlinear focused acoustic fields, Proceedings of the Seminar on Ultrasound in Biomeasurements, Diagnostics and Therapy, International Center of Biocybernetics, Warsaw 1-5.09.1998
131) E. Kozaczka, A. Makar, The determining of the trajectory of the source of acoustic waves moving under water, Proceedings of the XVth Symposium on Hydroacoustics, 97-102, Gdańsk - Jurata, 1998.
132) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, G. Lypacewicz, Investigation of nonlinear wave distortion in a focal and post-focal region in water, Proceedings Forum Acusticum 1999, Berlin, Acta Acustica, vol. 85, supl. 1.
133) E. Kozaczka, P. Bittner, G. Grelowska, A. Milewski, Prediction of underwater noise generation by mechanical sources working on ship’s board, Structures-Waves-Biomedical Engineering, Vol. VIII - Structural Acoustics and Vibrations for technology, 23-30, Kraków, 1999
134) E. Kozaczka, A. Makar, Underwater source localisation system, Proceedings of the 2nd EAA International Symposium on Hydroacoustics, 151-156, Gdańsk-Jurata, 1999.
135) E. Kozaczka, The nonlinear waves in water, Proceedings of the XLVIth Open Seminar on Acoustics, OSA'99, 39-50, Zakopane, 1999.
136) E. Kozaczka, A. Makar, The methods of time filtering for navigational parameters used for the location of towed objects, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Responsible Fisheries and Fishing Techniques, 213-218, Insko, 1999.
137) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska An experimental investigation of the finite amplitude wave, Archives of Acoustics, vol. 24, 1, 75-84, 1999.
138) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Measurement of the nonlinearity parameter B/A of seawater, Archives of Acoustics, vol. 24, 3, 289-302, 1999.
139) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, The hydroacoustic field analysis in the formation of nonlinear elastic waves in "Acoustics in Technique, Medicine and Culture ", 283-291, Cracow, 1999.
140) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, The distribution of the pressure field near the broad-band focusing source, Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, 209-212, Goettingen,1999.
141) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Sound field in a focused area, Molecular and Quantum Acoustics, Vol. 20, 123-130, Gliwice, 2000.
142) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, The nonlinear hydroacoustic transmitting antenna, Structural Acoustics & Mechanics for Environmental Protection, Vol IX, 51-54, Krakow, 2000.
143) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, The distribution of the pressure of nonlinear elastic wave in the focal area, Structural Acoustics & Mechanics for Environmental Protection, Vol. IX, 69-74, Krakow, 2000.
144) E. Kozaczka, Underwater ship noise, Hydroacoustics, Vol. 3, 47-52, Gdynia, 2000.
145) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Biharmonic transmitting array, Hydroacoustics, Vol. 3, 57-62, Gdynia, 2000.
146) E. Kozaczka, Acoustical non linearity of seawater, Conference Proceedings of the Undersea Deffence Technology UDT 2000, London, 2000.
147) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, A. Milewski, The intense ultrasound propagation, Proceedings of the 7th Interanational Congress on Sound and Vibration ICAV7, 817-822, Garmisch – Partenkirchen, 2000.
148) E. Kozaczka, I. Gloza, Underwater ship noise in shallow water, Proceedings of the 7th Interanational Congress on Sound and Vibration ICAV7, 1489-1494, Garmisch – Partenkirchen, 2000.
149) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, A. Milewski, Pressure field distribution in the focal area of the broadband finite amplitude source, Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, ECUA 2000, 1391-1396, Lyon, 2000.
150) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, I. Gloza, The field of nonlinear elastic wave of the source outside the focusing zone, Proceedings of the XLVIIth Open Seminar on Acoustics, Volume I, 209-214, Rzeszow, 2000.
151) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, A. Grelowski, The impact of the sound speed distribution on the range of hydroacoustic devices, Proceedings of the EAA Symposium 30th Winter School on Molecular and Quantum Acoustics, Ustroń, 85-88, 2001.
152) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, A. Grelowski, Short and long term prognosing of the conditions for the sound propagation in the Baltic Sea, Hydroacoustics, V. 4, 81-86, 2001.
153) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Comparison of characteristics of focused and non-focused beam, Hydroacoustics, V. 4, 131-134, 2001.
154) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, T. Leszczyński, Underwater noise – instrumentation and measurement procedure, Hydroacoustics, V. 4, 135-138, 2001.
155) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Nonlinear interaction in the vicinity of an underwater source of finite amplitude wave with non-continuous radiating surface, Acousto-Optics and Applications IV, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 186-189, 2001.
156) P. Bittner, E. Kozaczka, Determination of the spatial distribution of ship’s noise components, Archives of Acoustics, 26, 2, 107-120, 2001.
157) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Field of focused nonlinear beam generated by piezoelectric annular array, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, 2001 – CD ROM.
158) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, I. Gloza, Influence of underwater climate on acoustic wave propagation in the Southern Baltic, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, 2001 – CD ROM.
159) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, A. Grelowski, The propagation is of high intensity waves in the Southern Baltic Sea, The XLVIIIth Open Seminar on Acoustics, Scientific Papers of the Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, 83, 27, 275-280, 2001.
160) E. Kozaczka, A. Milewski, Multifield signature of the ship, Conference Proceedings of the Undersea Deffence Technology Hawaii, 2001 – CD ROM.
161) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Underwater noise produced by ship in shallow water, Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA 2002, 232-233, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Akustik e.V., Bochum Ruhr-Univeristaet, 2002.
162) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, A. Grelowski, Linear and nonlinear wave propagation in the Southern Baltic, Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA 2002, 228-229, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Akustik e.V., Bochum Ruhr-Univeristaet, 2002.
163) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Influence of absorption in low salinity sea water on nonlinear wave propagation, Acta Acustica – Acustica, V. 88, 776-779, 2002.
164) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Influence of absorption in low salinity sea water on nonlinear wave propagation, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics ECUA 2002, 581-584, Gdańsk, 2002.
165) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Nonlinear multielement radiating antena, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics ECUA 2002, 733-736, Gdańsk, 2002.
166) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Focusing source composed of axi-symmetric areas, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, Moscow, 2002.
167) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Nearfield of multi-element source rating a finite amplitude wave, Proceedings of the Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002, Revista de Acustica, Vol. XXXIII – s. 6 CD ROM.
168) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Specific features of underwater „acoustic climate” of the Gulf of Gdańsk, Materiały Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002, Revista de Acustica, Vol. XXXIII – s. 6 CD ROM.
169) E. Kozaczka, I Gloza,, Diagnosis of the ship’s technical state by means of the noise rated into the sea, Materiały Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002, Revista de Acustica, Vol. XXXIII – s. 6 CD ROM.
170) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Underwater non-axisymmetric radiating antenna, Molecular and Quantum Acoustics, V.23, 151-158, 2002.
171) E. Kozaczka, I. Gloza, G. Grelowska,, Underwater signature of a ship, Structures – Waves – Human Health, Structural Acoustics and Waves in Environment, vol. XII, No. 1, 37-42, 2003.
172) E. Kozaczka, Twenty years of symposium on hydroacoustics in Poland, Hydroacoustics, Vol. 5/6, 1-6, 2003.
173) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Acoustic streaming in focal and post focal region, Hydroacoustics, Vol. 5/6, 125-130, 2003.
174) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Signature evolution as a measure of dynamic changes in an underwater source motion, Proceedings of the XXXIInd Winter School on Molecular and Quantum Acoustics, 37-40, Szczyrk, 2003.
175) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, A. Grelowski, The inflow of highly saline water as a factor modifying the acoustical conditions in the Baltic Sea, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Ultrasonic, Paryż, 2003, s. 6 CD ROM.
176) E. Kozaczka, Underwater object classification by means of an acoustic method, Hydroacoustics, Vol. 7, 129-134, 2004
177) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Factors influencing an effect of focusing of acoustic energy, Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics, ss. IV-2523 – IV-2524, Kyoto 2004.
178) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Shipping noise, Arch. Acoust., 29, 2, 169-176, 2004.
179) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Prediction the range of underwater devices used in the Baltic Sea environment, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics ECUA 2004, 1083-1086, Delft University of Technology, 2004.
180) E. Kozaczka, J. Domagalski, Propagation of Acoustic Waves Generated by a Moving Source in a Shallow Sea, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 14, sup. I, 31-34, Olsztyn 2005.
181) E. Kozaczka, Modern applications of maritime technology, Hydroacoustics, vol. 8, 83-87, Gdynia, 2005.
182) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Effectiveness of underwater devices in the Baltic Sea, FORUM ACUSTICUM BUDAPEST 2005, 4th European Congres on Acoustics – invited paper.
183) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Some features of underwater noise generated by ships in the shallow sea, FORUM ACUSTICUM BUDAPEST 2005, 4th European Congres on Acoustics – invited paper.
184) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Focusing acoustic sources, Acustica – Acta Acustica, Vol. 91, 1, 153-155, 2006.
185) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Searching of buried objects in very shallow water by means of acoustics methods, EAA European Symposium on Hydroacoustics, Gandia 18-20 October 2006, published on CD-ROM.
186) E. Kozaczka. G. Grelowska, I. GLOZE, S. Jastrzebski, The searching of underwater targets by using acoustic sounding systems - preliminary results in situ, 53rd Open Seminar on Acoustics, Cracow - Zakopane 11-15 September 2006.
187) I. Gloza, E. Kozaczka, Underwater surface ship signature, Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vienna, Austria, 2-6 July 2006.
188) E. Kozaczka, S. Kozaczka, Classification of underwater objects by means of an acoustic method, Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vienna, Austria, 2-6 July 2006.
189) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, I. Gloza, Sound intensity in ships noise measuring, Proceedings of the 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, 2-7 September 2007, 6 pp., CD.
190) E. Kozaczka, Buried objects detection by means of nonlinear acoustic method in the shallow water, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference et Exhibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results, FORTH, Crete, 25-29 June 2007, 6 pp., CD.
191) E. Kozaczka, I. Gloza, Measurement of the Underwater Ship Noise by Means of the Sound Intensity Method, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairns, 9-12 July 2007, 6 pp., CD.
192) E. Kozaczka, I. Gloza, Determination of the ship signature in the vary shallow water, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairns, 9-12 July 2007, 6 pp., CD.
193) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, J. Domagalski, I. Gloza, The identification of hydroacoustic wave emitted from floating units during mooring tests, Polish Maritime Research, Vol. 14, No 4, 40-46, 2007.
194) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, I. Gloza, The observation of subottom sediments in the Southern Baltic by means of nonlinear acustic method. Acta Acustica United with Acustica Vol. 94_2008_Suppl. 1, p.787.
195) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, The selected results of the parametric soundings of the Gdańsk Bay, Hydroacoustics Vol. 11, Gdańsk 2008, pp. 105-112.
196) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, I. Gloza, Observation of Sub-Bottom Sediments in the Southern Baltic by Means of Nonlinear Acoustic Method, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics ECUA 2008, Paris, France 2008, pp. 593-598
197) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, K. Buszman, W. Szymczak, Acoustic profiles of the bottom of the Gdansk Bay, NAVSUP 2008: Navigation in Support of Human Activity at Sea, 22-24 October, 2008 Gdynia.
198) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, The sounding of the bottom of the Gulf of Gdansk by the use of the parametric sonar, The 55th Open Seminar on Acoustics, Piechowice near Szklarska Poreba, 8-12 September 2008.
200) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Experimental investigation of the Gdansk Bay bottom structure by means of nonlinear acoustic method, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results, Nafplion – Greece, 21-26 June 2009
201) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Water tank experiment of nonlinear absorption by marine sediments, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results, Nafplion – Greece, 21-26 June 2009.
202) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Modeling of sounding layered marine bottom, Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Kraków, Poland, 5-9 July 2009.
203) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Bottom structure determination by means of acoustic methods both linear and nonlinear including parametric echosounding, Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Kraków, Poland, 5-9 July 2009.
204) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Underwater ship noise evaluation by means of sound intensity method at the shallow water, Proceeding of the 38 International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Ottawa, Canada, 23-26 August 2009.
205) E. Kozaczka, I. Gloza, Measurement of underwater noise produced by means of the intensity method, Proceedings of EURONOISE 2009, Edinburgh, UK, 26-28 October 2009.
206) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, S. Kozaczka, Images of the seabed of the Gulf of Gdansk obtain by means of the parametric sonar, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 118, No 1, 91-94, 2010.
207) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Sounding of layered marine bottom - modeling investigations, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 118, No 1, 66-70,2010.
208) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, K. Buszman, Composition of data visualisation by sub-bottom profiler and multibeam echosounder In MATLAB, Hydroacoustics, Vol. 13, 101-108, 2010.
209) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, W. Szymczak, Methods of data extraction from sub-bottom profiler signal, Hydroacoustics, Vol. 13, 109-110, 2010.
210) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, S. Kozaczka, W. Szymczak, Sea bottom structure investigation by means of acoustic methods, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 19, No 4A, 35-38, 2010.
211) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, W. Szymczak, Searching of the burried objects into the sea bottom by means of nonlinear acoustic methods, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul, Turkey, July 5-9, 2010, 1574-1577 – invited paper
212) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Determination of the seabed properties basing on the results of measurement by means of parametric echosounder, Proceedings of the 39th International Congress on Noise Control and Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, June 13-16, 2010 – invited paper, CD.
213) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Nonlinear acoustic method of the buried objects at the sea, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Acoustics, Sydney, Australia, August 23-27, 2010, CD.
214) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, S. Kozaczka, Specific features of sea bottom characteristics obtained by means of different acoustic methods, Proceeding of 1st EAA – EuroRegio 2010 Congress on Sound and Vibration, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 15-18, 2010, CD.
215) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Characterization of local seabed properties using parametric echo-sounder, Proceedings of 17th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairo, Egypt, July 18-22, 2010, CD.
216) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, Shipping low frequency noise and its propagation in shallow water, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 119, 6A, 1009-1012, 2011.
217) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, W. Szymczak, S. Kozaczka, The examination of the upper layer of the seabed by means of the acoustic methods, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 119, 6A, 1091-1094, 2011.
218) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, S. Kozaczka, W. Szymczak, Some aspects of noise generated by a small ship in the shallow sea, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Edinburgh 2012, 1637-1643.
219) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, S. Kozaczka, W. Szymczak, Post processing and selecting data obtain with parametric sub-bottom profiler SES-2000 standard during sounding the Gulf of Gdansk, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Edinburgh 2012,1446-1453.
220) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, S. Kozaczka, Searching of the buried objects in the sea bottom by means of noninvasive methods, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Edinburgh 2012, 1577-1582.
221) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, Nonlinear propagation of elastic waves, 59 Open Seminar on Acoustics, Poznan - Boszkowo, 10-14.09.2012, 15-20 invited lecture.
222) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, S. Kozaczka, W. Szymczak, The signatures and acoustic images of the floating objects, The 59th Open Seminar on Acoustics, Poznan - Boszkowo, 10-14.09.2012, 85-88.
223) E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska, W. Szymczak, S. Kozaczka, Processing data on sea bottom structure obtained by means of the parametric sounding, Polish Maritime Research, Vol. 19, No 4, 3-10 (2012)
224) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, S. Kozaczka, W. Szymczak, Detection of objects buried in the sea bottom with the use of parametric echosounder, Archives on Acoustics, Vol. 38, No 1, 99-104, 2013.
225) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, S. Kozaczka, Underwater noise produced by floating objects, Proceedings of the XLIth Winter School of counteraction of vibroacoustic threat 23-28, Gliwice - Szczyrk, 2013.
226) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, A. Nowicki, S. Kozaczka, W. Szymczak, R. Tymkiewicz, Investigation of Transmit and Receive Characteristics of Laboratory Model for the Parametric Echosounder, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 123, 6, 1094-1097, 2013.
227) G. Grelowska, E. Kozaczka, S. Kozaczka, W. Szymczak, Diver observation by Means of Acoustic Methods, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 123, 6, 1098-1100, 2013.

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